
Since 2009, UCAN has led the effort to support church administrators across the UK and to promote the Spiritual Gift of administration within the church. With over 1700 members we are very familiar with the challenges of managing people well in church.

UCAN is committed to helping churches excel in their administrative, management and governance responsibilities. Looking after your staff and doing HR well, is key to this goal. Supported by our friends at Stewardship, Anthony Collins Solicitors and Keelys Solicitors, we are delighted to offer churchworkers.net, an HR support service specifically designed for churches. When you receive support from CWN, you’ll be dealing with a member of the CIPD*, with significant staff management and HR experience within the church sector, providing advice from real-life church experience and drawing upon professional guidance and briefings from ACAS* , the CIPD* member’s online knowledge-hub, our internal knowledgebase, and our professional partners.

Our CWN Team are not employment solicitors and we do not offer legal advice. However, we work with employment solicitors and other professionals and will signpost you accordingly when required.

Our aim is to ensure churches have access to an affordable external service that is well versed in HR process and staff management, drawing upon extensive collective experience and functioning as a champion for best practice, a repository for documentation, a relational sounding board, and a critical friend where required. As a member of the scheme, you will benefit from the reassurance that we are continually developing our approach to HR and staff management and keeping apprised of up-to-date developments to support you with your HR responsibilities.

CWN is provided as a service of UCAN but is supported by a voluntary ‘advisory group’ with representatives from UCAN, Stewardship, Anthony Collins Solicitors and Keelys Solicitors. This team provides strategic direction, advice, accountability, and further professional experience.

*ACAS - Advisory, Conciliation & Arbitration Service (www.acas.org.uk)

*CIPD - Chartered Institute of Personnel & Development (www.cipd.co.uk)